Korean Language Tutor is a one-to-one matching program which you can learn Korean language from Yonsei Korean student.
If you are taking any Korean language courses and eager to focus on studying languages, it is a perfect program for you.
You will meet your partner two hours a week at any places on campus and study your textbook or practice speaking skills.
■ List of Korean language courses
초급한국어회화 Beginning Korean Conversation (YHS1013)
초급한국어읽기및쓰기 Beginning Korean Reading & Writing (YHS1014)
중급한국어회화 Intermediate Korean Conversation (YHS1015)
중급한국어읽기및쓰기Intermediate Korean Reading & Writing (YHS1016)
고급한국어회화 Advanced Korean Conversation (YHS1017)
고급한국어읽기및쓰기 Advanced Korean Reading & Writing (YHS1018)
한국어어휘와문법 Korean Vocabulary and Grammar (YHH1024) (VSP only)
한국어표현과이해 Korean Expression and Comprehension (YHH1025) (VSP only)
한국언어와대중문화 Korean Language and Popular Culture (YHH1026) (VSP only)
한국현대사회생활 Contemporary Lifestyle in Korea (YHH1027) (VSP only)
■ Apply
Students can apply for this tutor program during the orientation.
■ Remark